Cyclone Remal 2024: A Nightmare for Coastal Communities

Severe Cyclone Remal hit Bangladesh in May 2024 as a tropical storm of moderate intensity. The Bangladesh Meteorological Department said that on the evening of May 25, it turned into a cyclone from a deep depression, and the cyclone hit Bangladesh around 8 p.m. on Sunday.

In this cyclone, Satkhira, Khulna, Pirojpur, Barguna, Bhola, Patuakhali, Bagerhat, Narsingdi and many more areas have suffered extensive damage. River water has breached dams in coastal areas and entered the locality, and the land has been inundated by prolonged rains. The problem of salinity has increased in the affected areas due to the high salt content of the river.

Nine coastal districts received distress signal number 10 from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department on May 26. And 16 coastal districts were warned by the Meteorological Department to be inundated by wind-driven tides that are 8 to 12 feet above normal. The wind speed during the main impact was 90 to 120 kilometers per hour.

*The picture was collected from the Khulna region. The identity of the photographer is not known.

1.5 lakh dwellings have been demolished or damaged by Cyclone Remal, causing extensive damage and huge losses in a number of industries. A startling Tk 482 crore has been lost in the fishing industry only. About 800,000 people in coastal areas were compelled to leave their homes and look for shelter, as reported by Bangladesh’s Ministry of Disaster Management. Following the cyclone, 2.7 million people lost electricity, bringing whole villages to an all-black state. Due to the present power outage of 30,000 cell phone towers, communication has also been significantly impacted. In an attempt to re-establish communication, around 3,000 towers were being run by generators. Tragically, the death toll from Cyclone Remal were 15, and many people were missing, underscoring the severe impact of this natural disaster.

AL Sharia
Department of Disaster Management
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh.

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